best-seller/ all-one

The solo to the String Quintet in C major by Franz Schubert illustrates the dichotomy of artists between self-expression and self-discovery.

How far do I have to sell myself to be successful? And where does the dependence on the opinions of others leave the real me?

© Video editing: Natalia Paschkevich

Dance and choreography
Juliette Villemin

Dates and venues

euro-scene Leipzig. Festival of contemporary European theatre and dance, 2005

Rotebühltheater Stuttgart, 2006/2007.

International May Festival Wiesbaden, programme "Seitensprunge", at the Wartburg Theatre. Dance: Rosa Romero, 2007.


"bestselbstseller" was nominated in 2005 at the euro-scene Leipzig. Festival of Contemporary European Theatre and Dance for Best German Dance Solo.

Press commentary

Juliette Villemin, "once a dancer in Wiesbaden, has conceived an intentionally enigmatic, emphatically contemporary solo for Rosa Romero called "all-ein", whose chalk circles allow all kinds of associations". (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 31.05.2007, EVA-MARIA MAGEL)