26 and 27 June 2018 at the Theaterhaus Stuttgart (T4).
The complex dance, sound and media performance SYNCHRONICITY deals with our inner time and the subjective perception of time. Don’t we all run after time and just wish that time would stand still?
The suspension of time, a utopia?

The musical starting point is the ideas about temporality of Steve Reich and Franz Schubert, two composers who could not be more different. Pioneer of minimal music Steve Reich wrote in 1969 that he was “only interested in music that works on time change” (free translation by the author) ¹. Like many of his 20th century contemporaries, Reich harboured a desire for the unlimited present and thus a desire to “suspend” time and its chronological sequence.
For Franz Schubert, however, according to writer and musician Albert Breier, “time was a problem”². The composer, who was at the transition from the classical to the romantic period, created 700 chamber music pieces, symphonies, songs and other musical works in only 31 years of his life.
Inspired by this, SYNCHRONICITY takes up the theme of temporality in music, contemporary dance and interpersonal relationships, developing its very own understanding of time.
Idea, choreography, direction: Juliette Villemin
Dance: Hygin Delimat, Marina Grün
Violin: Ulrike Stortz
Percussion/music design: Benedikt Immerz
Lighting design: Alexander Joseph
Media: Nadja Weber
Production: Katharina de Andrade Ruiz
Dates & venues
Revival: 26 and 27 June 2018 at the Theaterhaus Stuttgart (T4)
Premiere: 1 June 2017, 8.30 pm
FiTZ! (Centre for Figure Theatre Stuttgart) Eberhardstraße 61
Cultural area “Unterm Turm
D-70173 Stuttgart
Preview: at Produktionszentrum Tanz+Performance e.V. Stuttgart in May 2017
Further dates: 2 and 3 June 2017, both at 8.30 p.m.
4 June 2017 at the Mannheim Festival Free Dance in the Delta
Press commentary
“There is cracking and laughter in the rows of spectators. Who can endure it longer, the silence of non-action? This is one of many strong moments of Juliette Villemin’s production of “Synchronicity”, which premiered on Thursday at the Figurentheater FiTZ. To her rhythms, Marina Grün and Hygin Delimat get into the dance battle, react to each other, animate each other to kicks, turns and artistic lifts. But Villemin also makes light, sound and video the protagonists, designed by Alexander Joseph and Nadja Weber.”(Petra Mostbacher-Dix, 5 June 2017, StN)
“Getting on the same wavelength is difficult. Marina Grün and Hygin Delimat manage to set themselves tasks without words in “Synchronicity” by Juliette Villemin (Stuttgart) […] Original figures emerge from their playful wrangling. Played out more quickly, the sequence leads to a pas de deux. The excerpt from this clever play about temporality makes you want more!” (Mannheim 7 June 2017, Antje Landmann. Die Rheinpalz)
“Another duo takes the tension relationship to the extreme in “Synchronicity”. Juliette Villemin, a choreographer based in Stuttgart, explores our relationship to time. In the process, she lets your couple play until the tension transforms […]”(Mannheim, 6 June 2017, Nora Abdel Rahman. Mannheimer Morgen)
Sponsors & Cooperation Partners
The production was funded by LaFT Baden-Württemberg, the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts BW and the LBBW Foundation. It was created in cooperation with the Produktionszentrum Tanz+Performance e.V. Stuttgart and the FITZ! Centre for Figure Theatre Stuttgart.
To financially support the project, a creative crowdfunding campaign ran until 30.05.2017, you can find more info HERE.
¹ Reich, Steve (1970): “Some optimistic predictions”. In: Hillier, Paul (ed.): Writings on Music, 1965-2000, New York. S. 44.
² Breier, Albert (2005): “Music as the Art of Time. An Address.” http://media.albert-breier.de/essays/Albert-Breier-Rede-MusikAlsKunstDerZeit.pdf (22.01.2016).