In the dance performance, the ensemble Juliette Villemin & Team explores individual and social fears and brings them out of hiding onto the stage.

© Natalia Paschkevich

It sits in our bones, brings beads of sweat to our foreheads and makes our pulse climb to our throats. Fear is a fascinating emotion that can both paralyse and inspire us. It ranges from dull anxiety, lightning-like fright to a pleasant creepiness.
But what does it trigger? How does it feel physically? And how does it influence our actions? PHOBIAGORA approaches this emotion through moving images.

Inspired by the sculptor Louise Bourgeois, who found metaphors for her fears in her famous "Cells" - enclosed cell-like spaces - the performance also creates "places of fear".
Four characters face their fears. They question their biographies, jump over their shadows and also confront the audience with the many faces of fear.

The project was based on a survey designed for this purpose, which served as a source of inspiration.

© Natalia Paschkevich


Idea, direction & choreography: Juliette Villemin

Dance: Marina Grün, Kirill Berezovski, Verena Wilhelm, Johannes Walter

Media, Room: Nadja Weber

Graphic: Natalia Paschkevich

Costumes: Julia Poerschke

Music Production & Composition: Benedikt Immerz

Technical direction & lighting design: Alexander Joseph

Press relations: Marie-Christine Kesting

Dates & venues

Premiere: 24 October 2018, further performances: 26 and 27 October 2018

Theaterhaus Stuttgart, T4


The Cultural Office of the City of Stuttgart, Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V., with funding from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg, and the Foundation of the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg.

Cooperation partner

Production Centre Dance+Performance e.V. Stuttgart

Press commentary:

"Juliette Villemin's dance performance "Phobiagora" traces an anxiety that is omnipresent right now."
A "strong image and a bizarre bow to Louise Bourgeois." 

(Stuttgarter Zeitung, 25.10.18)

"Phobiagora proves itself through a skilful mix of humour and seriousness".
(tanznetz, 25.10.2018)